2014, 2015 and 2016
Numerous meetings and assemblies of the most active members were organized.
An administrative change of post of Treasurer was made, from Mrs. Fatiha Lanvand'Homme (Belgium) to Mr David Trifilio (France).
Working groups were able to develop new international projects which will be presented for 2017 on site ... Please wait!
June 2013 - Lisbonne
• Reconstruction ‘s project and updating of the website
• Italy: a law integrates “natural disciplines”(including naturopathy)
• Portugal: many political and juridical tensions in order to change the law highlighting naturopaths (pressures from the Order of Allopathic doctors)
• Belgium: group of natural professionals apply to obtain the following name of “gold professions”. This is a very important step for the trade union
• France: Senators have hold an inquiry into threats about sectarian drifts within the framework of non conformist practitioners. Audition of Daniel Kieffer, our chairman
24 / 06 / 2012 - Lisbonne
• Incoming of Israel into EUN
(this nation belongs to geographic and cultural Europe)
• Plan on putting on line current affairs in different languages (2013)
• European Professional Code of Ethics on line
• “European Profile of the naturopath” is on line
•First contacts with Germany
The Committee’s members are:
M. Manuel Branco, chairman, Portugal
M. Daniel Kieffer, becomes vice-chairman, France
M. Rudy Lanza, general secretary, Italy
Mme. Fatiha Lavand’Homme, treasurer, Belgium
04 / 05 / 2011 - Paris
• Decision made to start the European project “Cambrella” via the EFCAM’s membership
• Incoming of Greece into EUN
Committee’s members are:
Mr. Daniel Kieffer, chairman, France
Mr. Rudy Lanza, general secretary, Italy
Mrs. Fatiha Lavand’homme, Belgium
12 / 06 / 2010 - Paris
• Vote of may 2009 had integrated non conventional medicines in Switzerland
• Incoming of Flamish region, representing Belgium
• Situation in Spain turns difficult because of pressures put on professionals and schools
• French government mixes up non conventional medicines with “personal development” sector and as well “processes with a possible sectarian drift”
(Interdepartmental mission Milivude);
A “technical help group” intends to determine which non conventional medicine is potentially “encouraging” and which one is potentially “dangerous”
• Via Portugal, the European Member of Parliament, Manual Barrosso is approached for supporting and reactivating the European Resolution of may 1997, which almost stayed without any implementation since then
• Project of writing “the European professional code of ethics” of Naturopathy
18 / 04 / 2009 - Paris
• A “public consultation” about non conventional medicines is about to be ready in Italy
• Spain starts a training staff at University in Catalonia (Barcelona)
• Plan on writing the “European profile of a naturopath”
• Report on the International Colloquium of eco-medicines and health organized by GRAPE on October 17th&18th 2008 in Namur (Belgium)
• Please see attached the Common Declaration
12 / 04 / 2008 - Paris
• General meeting and welcoming of new members (Great Britain, Switzerland…)
• Temporary retirement of Germany because of dear Dr. Scharnick’s death
• France publishes “the white book of Naturopathy”
• A “continuant adult education” is assured in every state members of EUN
25 / 11 / 2005 - Paris
• North of Italy voted for non conventional medicines, including naturopathy
• EUN belongs to “International Colloquium of eco-medicines” (November 26th&27th 2005 / Paris university)
28 & 29 / 02 / 2004 - Lisbonne (Portugal)
• Incoming of Germany, represented by Dr. Scharnick
• Incoming of Belgium, via Florence Gérard and Fatiha Lavand’Homme
• Legislation has been confirmed in Portugal since 2003
• Federal reorganization in Spain
29 / 05 / 2004 - Barcelona (Spain).
• A new national federation represents Spain (COFENAT)
• Set up of a working commission in each member country
Assessment of the political and juridical situation of naturopathy in every European State
16 / 03 / 2002 - Paris
First work meeting organized on Spanish and French initiative
04 / 05 / 2002 - Madrid
• A constituent assembly gathers French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian representatives together
• Attendance of Finnish and Guatemalan representatives
• Attendance of the coordinator Michel Poncet who became general assistant secretary from 2010
12 / 12 / 2002 - Turin (Italy)
First opinions voted in North Italy.