French Federation of Naturopathy
Advocate with the authorities, the health institutions and the concerned ministries, a recognition of professions like “Health technician”, “Naturopath practitioners and teachers” and guarantee as well the competence, the integrity and the independence of it.
Isabelle Gomez-Echeverri permanent secretary
64, rue d’Hauteville
75010 Paris
Naturopathic Union of Belgium
Advocate and highlight naturopathic practice and professionals in the state of Belgium
Rue Chant des Oiseaux 33
1470 Baisy-Thy (Genappe)
Portuguese Association of Naturopathy
Bring Portuguese naturopaths and training organisms together. Coordinate their integrity within the public health bodies in Portugal
APSN (Associação International De Naturopatia E Disciplinas Associadas)
Rua Àlvares Cabral, Nº. 149
4400-017 Vila Nova De Gaia
C.F.F.M.N.C. (Conselho Federativo Federação De Medicinas Não Convencionais)
Rua Àlvares Cabral, Nº. 149
4400-017 Vila Nova De Gaia
Federazione Nazionale Naturopati Heilpraktiker Profesionisti
Do their utmost for naturopaths’ recognition and health practitioners in Italy. Guarantee skills and ethic of it
Via Fuhrmann, 74
10062 Luserna San Giovani
TO / Italie